NISO: “We are living in unprecedented times. We walk around with powerful computers in our pockets that can track our every move. We regularly offer up our location and vital information on what we buy, watch, and read to digital global powerhouses such as Facebook, Google, and Amazon. This data is, of course, used to provide us with product and service suggestions designed to improve our lives. The technology now known as “big data” is a battleground for surveillance. Many feel we are living in a Big Brother world, where our every physical and online movement, purchase, and personal message is stored to create a picture of us that may or may not be accurate. The age of big data is now firmly upon us, and we therefore face collective societal challenges on how our data is handled and used to target and track us. Data ethics is an emergent theme and one that poses complex questions for those of us who work in the identity and knowledge sector…”
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