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Heads Up – Disruption at Go To Fact Checking Web Site

This investigative article from Forbes leaves readers in a quandry – the status of the fact checking website, is in question due to the disposition of its ownership and the transparency and accountability of its operations.  I do not use the site, so all I can say is proceed with caution moving forward in the use of each and every site that purports to deliver truth in the face of complex, fast moving stories and issues that impact democracy, civil liberties, justice and – research – all facets of research. We have confronted shallow and deep pools of social media initiated “news and views” that do not stand up to scrutiny, whether it be of a facile or time consuming nature. You are experts in business and competitive intelligence, a wide range of subject matters and languages, and know how to question everything you share with your customers, your clients, your students, your colleagues, friends and family. Your role is more valuable and essential in the coming days, months and years as we continue to read, listen, learn, question, share and teach.  Be the best advocate you can be for your communities of best practice, and please share your knowledge so we can all participate fully, timely and with positive impact, in our work, our advocacy, our faith based efforts and in the future of towns, cities and our country. Thank you.

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