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GAO – USDA and EPA Should Take Additional Actions to Address Threats to Bee Populations

Bee Health: USDA and EPA Should Take Additional Actions to Address Threats to Bee Populations, GAO-16-220: Published: Feb 10, 2016. Publicly Released: Mar 11, 2016: “Honey bees and other managed and wild, native bees provide valuable pollination services to agriculture worth billions of dollars to farmers. Government and university researchers have documented declines in some populations of bee species, with an average of about 29 percent of honey bee colonies dying each winter since 2006. A June 2014 presidential memorandum on pollinators established the White House Pollinator Health Task Force, comprising more than a dozen federal agencies, including USDA and EPA…GAO recommends, among other things, that USDA coordinate with other agencies to develop a plan to monitor wild, native bees, and evaluate gaps in staff expertise in conservation practices, and that EPA identify the most common mixtures of pesticides used on crops…”

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