European Commission Background Document – “This background paper to the online public consultation gives a short description of the term ‘Science 2.0’ as used in this consultation. The goal of the consultation is to better understand the full potential of ‘Science 2.0’ as well as the desirability of any possible policy action. The current transition of the science and research system results predominantly from a bottom-up process driven by the increasing number of researchers operating in a globally networked digital system and by the increasing societal demand to address the Grand Challenges of our times. The key-stakeholders (universities, research funders, libraries, researchers, publishers, businesses) find themselves in various stages of responding or adapting to the evolving situation. For example, universities are considering new ways to evaluate researchers’ careers and requiring new types of research skills from researchers. The impact of research is of growing importance to research funding organisations. Publishers are active as they are moving towards models of Open Access to publications and research data. New players emerge with regard to determining the impact of research. In this consultation process, ‘Science 2.0’ is therefore understood as a systemic change in the modus operandi of doing research and organising science. The three main objectives of the consultation are:
1. to assess the degree of awareness amongst the stakeholders of the changing modus operandi,
2. to assess the perception of the opportunities and challenges, and
3. to identify possible policy implications and actions to strengthen the competitiveness of the European science and research system by enabling it to take full advantage of the opportunities offered by Science 2.0. The consultation aims to consult the stakeholders at large on key drivers, barriers, and opportunities that are transforming science and research.”
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