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REVISED: New Economic Indicator Database Search Available from Census Bureau

News release: “On Sept. 26, 2011, we released a tip sheet notice highlighting the Census Bureau’s online tool for searching economic indicators. The tool currently searches on 12 but will be updated to allow searches on a 13th indicator (housing vacancies and homeownership). Below is the language of the notice revised to reflect this update. Statistics from 12 of the Census Bureau’s 13 economic indicators are now easy to access and easier to use with the new economic indicator database search. Current plans are under way to add the 13th indicator (the quarterly report on housing vacancies and homeownership) to this user-friendly Internet tool. It provides an easy way to create statistical tables in ASCII text or time series charts in spreadsheet format. Users can select an indicator and choose statistics by item, time period and other dimensions using drop-down menus.”

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