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Economic Recovery: Sustaining U.S. Economic Growth in a Post-Crisis Economy

Economic Recovery: Sustaining U.S. Economic Growth in a Post-Crisis Economy – Craig K. Elwell, Specialist in Macroeconomic Policy, July 18, 2011

  • “In regard to the long-term debt problem, in an economy operating close to potential output, government borrowing to finance budget deficits will in theory draw down the pool of national saving, crowding out private capital investment and slowing long-term growth. However, the U.S. economy is currently operating well short of capacity and the risk of such crowding out occurring is therefore low in the near term. Once the cyclical problem of weak demand is resolved and the economy has returned to a normal growth path, mainstream economists’ consensus policy response for an economy with a looming debt crisis is fiscal consolidation—cutting deficits. Such a policy would have the benefits of low and stable interest rates, a less fragile financial system, improved investment prospects, and possibly faster long-term growth.”
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