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Assessing This Past Year's Progress in Implementing Attorney General Holder's FOIA Guidelines

DOJ News release: “After reviewing the Chief FOIA Officer Reports, OIP has prepared an assessment of the progress made by the Executive Departments in implementing the President’s FOIA Memorandum and the Attorney General’s FOIA Guidelines. The fifteen Departments account for nearly 80% of all FOIA requests processed by the government. Those Departments were scored on elements from all five of the key areas, as reflected by the information provided in their 2011 Chief FOIA Officer Reports and their Fiscal Year 2010 Annual FOIA Reports. A green score was given by OIP when the Department reported accomplishing the milestone; yellow reflects mixed progress in reaching the milestone; and red reflects that the milestone was not met. This graphic representation readily illustrates the many accomplishments achieved by the Departments this past year. It also highlights the areas in need of further improvement…As to numerical increases in the numbers of requests where records are provided in full or in part, eight of the fifteen Departments increased their disclosures in full, while seven did not. Ten Departments increased their partial disclosures, while five did not.”

  • 2011 Chief FOIA Officer Reports – Summary of Federal Departments
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