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Pew Research: 24% of internet users have made phone calls online

24% of internet users have made phone calls online, Lee Rainie, Director, May 30, 2011

  • “After years of modest activity, online phone calling has taken off as 24% of online Americans say have placed calls using the internet A quarter of American adult internet users (24%) have placed phone calls online. That amounts to 19% of all American adults. On any given day 5% of internet users are going online to place phone calls. Both figures are marked increases from previous readings in surveys by the Pew Research Center’s Internet & American Life Project. Using different question wording, the Project found in February 2007 that 8% of internet users (6% of all adults) had placed calls online and 2% of internet users were making calls on any given day. At various points during the 2000s we asked similar questions and found that at most about a tenth of internet users had ever used the internet to place calls and the daily figure never rose above 1% of internet users. This was the first time that Pew Internet had asked the question using this wording: “Please tell me if you ever use the internet to make a phone call online, using a service such as Skype or Vonage?/ Did you happen to do this yesterday, or not?” This was the first time that we asked the question and specifically referred to Skype, the popular global service that was recently purchased by Microsoft for $8.5 billion.”
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