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A Primer on Corporate Governance

A Primer on Corporate Governance, by Olivier Serrat – “Good corporate governance helps an organization achieve its objectives; poor corporate governance can speed its decline or demise. Never before has the glare of the spotlight focused so much on boards of directors. Corporate governance has emerged from obscurity and become a mainstream topic.”

  • Direction and control are needed whenever people come together to realize societal and organizational goals. To govern is to do just that, to direct and control, by established laws or—preferably not—by arbitrary will. Its core underlying practices, where the former mode is used, are to specify expectations, delegate authority, and substantiate performance. Complex systems cannot be reduced; however, where society or an organization is multipart or too large for simple management, it usually moves for the creation of entities tasked with guiding related processes and systems in their host’s co-evolving context of society, economy, environment,
    polity, and technology.”
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