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Removing References to Credit Ratings in Regulations; Proposing Alternatives to the Use of Credit Ratings

“NCUA [National Credit Union Administration] is proposing rules to implement certain statutory provisions in Title IX of the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act (the Dodd-Frank Act). The proposed rules replace or remove references to credit ratings in NCUA regulations. Comments must be received on or before May 2, 2011…The proposed rule generally handles NRSRO ratings three different ways, depending on the manner in which the rating is used in the regulations. For investments, the proposal generally replaces the minimum credit rating requirement with a requirement that the credit union do an internal credit analysis of the investment pursuant to a particular narrative standard. For counterparty transactions, the proposal generally replaces the minimum credit rating requirement with a requirement that the credit union do an internal credit analysis of the counterparty pursuant to an internal standard set by the credit union’s board. For ratings usage outside of investment and counterparty suitability, the proposal generally removes the ratings reference without requiring some substitute analysis.”

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