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National Security Space Strategy Released by DOD

News release: “The Department of Defense announced {February 4, 2011] the release of the National Security Space Strategy (NSSS) [Unclassified Summary], signed jointly by Secretary of Defense Robert Gates and Director of National Intelligence James Clapper. The strategy is derived from the National Security Strategy and the National Space Policy and outlines necessary changes to enhance national security through DoD and intelligence community activities in space. It is the culmination of a lengthy and detailed Space Posture Review conducted in close consultation with other agencies and allies. The NSSS is driven by an evolving strategic environment. Space is crucial for military operations and intelligence collection, but it is increasingly congested with satellites, orbital debris, and radiofrequency interference; contested by countries developing counterspace capabilities; and competitive with an increasing number of spacefaring countries and companies. In implementing the strategy, the department will promote norms of behavior to bring order to a congested domain; develop international partnerships to operate in coalitions and reinforce military space capabilities; increase resiliency and pursue cross-domain solutions to fight in a degraded space environment; and improve acquisition processes to energize the space industrial base.”

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