“Fannie Mae released the second installment of its 2010 Own-Rent Analysis, with highlights of the last two of the report’s four major themes: Renting and Owning Behaviors by Race, Ethnicity, and Immigration Status and Economics of Owning and Renting Through the Cycle and Across Geographies…despite the housing crisis, Americans maintain a strong desire to own a home. [These] highlights explore attitudes and behaviors toward homeownership among ethnic groups and immigrants and the economics of owning and renting over time and by geographic region. According to the study, all racial and ethnic groups polled, as well as immigrants, strongly aspire to own a home, despite current disparities in homeownership rates for these groups. Additionally, if personal finances improve for these groups as they continue to grow in number, homeownership rate disparities may not persist. However, the analysis also found that if homeownership rates by race and ethnicity remained constant at 2009 levels, projected homeownership would decline fairly steadily until 2050.”
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