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BLS: Metropolitan Area Employment and Unemployment Summary – October 2010

News release: “In October, 102 metropolitan areas reported jobless rates of at least 10.0 percent, down from 129 areas a year earlier, while 78 areas posted rates be- low 7.0 percent, up from 74 areas in October 2009. El Centro, Calif., again recorded the highest unemployment rate, 29.3 percent, followed by Yuma, Ariz., 26.7 percent. Among the 10 areas with jobless rates of at least 15.0 percent, 8 were located in California. Bismarck, N.D., again registered the lowest unemployment rate, 2.7 percent in October. The areas with the next lowest rates were Fargo, N.D.-Minn., and Grand Forks, N.D.-Minn., 3.2 percent each, and Lincoln, Neb., 3.8 percent. Of the 12 areas with jobless rates under 5.0 percent, 10 were located in the West North Central census division. Overall, 224 areas recorded unemployment rates below the U.S. figure of 9.0 percent, 138 areas reported rates above it, and 10 areas had rates equal to that of the nation.”

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