Accurate, Focused Research on Law, Technology and Knowledge Discovery Since 2002

Report: The Connected Kingdom – How the Internet is Transforming the UK Economy

“Google commissioned The Boston Consulting Group to produce an independent analysis of the value of the UK’s Internet economy, the factors that are driving this, how we compare to other countries, and how this will change in the future. Google wants to help UK businesses get online and use the Internet to grow and have run programmes like ‘Getting British Business Online’ to help businesses create their first website, we’re also interested in helping existing online businesses to grow further…The Internet is a fundamental part of everyday life in the UK – 73% of households have broadband. Our research has revealed that the UK Internet economy is worth £100 billion a year, is growing at 10% a year and directly employs 250,000 people. To have your say in future policy to continue this growth, explore the site, post a question and add to the debate.”

  • The Connected Kingdom – How the Internet is Transforming the UK Economy
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