“Despite organizations efforts to achieve a diverse workforce, the majority 70% do not have a clearly defined strategy or philosophy for the development of women into leadership roles, according to the new Womens Leadership Development Survey conducted by Mercer in conjunction with Talent Management and Diversity Management magazines. The survey, conducted in September, includes responses from human resource, talent management and diversity leaders at more than 540 organizations throughout the US. The survey included a broad cross-section of industries, with health care, for-profit services, government/public sector, financial/banking and high-tech/telecommunications organizations representing the largest segments..According to Mercers survey, more than two-fifths (43%) of the employers surveyed indicate that their organization does not offer any activities or programs targeted to the needs of women leaders. While 23% of organizations said they offer some activities or programs, another 19% said their approach to the development of women leaders is to track and monitor progress only. Just 5% said they currently provide a robust program and 4% say they plan to add programs and activities in the future.”
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