Accurate, Focused Research on Law, Technology and Knowledge Discovery Since 2002

Site provide citizens withsingle destination to explore all the information from

“Our long-term vision for ThisWeKnow is to model the entire catalog and make it available to the public using Semantic Web standards as a large-scale online database. ThisWeKnow will provide citizens with a single destination where they can search and browse all the information the government collects. It will also provide other application developers with a powerful standards-based API for accessing the data. Loading governmental databases into a single, flexible data store breaks down silos of information and facilitates inferences across multiple data stores. For example, inferences can be made by combining census demographic data from the Agency of Commerce, factory information from the Environmental Protection Agency, information about employment from the Department of Labor, and so on. We can’t even begin to imagine the discoveries that will become possible after all these data are loaded into an integrated repository.”

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