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NYT: How the Giants of Finance Shrank, Then Grew, Under the Financial Crisis

$947 Billion – Market capitalization of 29 of the biggest financial firms on September 11, 2009: “Since the stock market’s peak in October 2007, Wall Street’s landscape has been permanently altered. Lehman Brothers, gone. Bear Stearns, gone. Merrill Lynch, gone. Main Street’s landscape has also changed. Wachovia, National City, Washington Mutual and Countrywide, all gone. These venerable financial giants all crumbled under the weight of the financial crisis. Those that were left shrank down to a fraction of their former market capitalizations by early 2009, but since then, they all have grown. While most are nowhere near their former size, two — JPMorgan Chase and Wells Fargo — are slightly larger than they were at the market’s peak.”

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