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EPA Seeks Comments on its Reevaluation of the Chemical Perchlorate

News release: “U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Lisa P. Jackson announced that the agency is taking an important step to ensure children’s health is taken into account when evaluating the chemical perchlorate. To enhance transparency, the agency is seeking public comment on its re-evaluation of the scientific information on perchlorate in drinking water. Under the previous administration, EPA made a preliminary decision not to regulate perchlorate. Administrator Jackson directed EPA staff to review that decision and, as part of that review, the agency is putting special emphasis on evaluating the impact of perchlorate on infants and young children.”

  • “Perchlorate – In August, 2009, EPA published a Perchlorate Supplemental Request for Comments August 2009, EPA 815-F-09-004 notice in the Federal Register seeking input on additional ways to analyze data related to the regulatory determination of perchlorate. EPA is considering a broader range of alternatives for interpreting the available data on: the level of health concern, the frequency of occurrence of perchlorate in drinking water, and the opportunity for health risk reduction through a national primary drinking water standard. A key focus is the re-evaluation of perchlorate exposure to sensitive life stages including infants and developing children, in addition to pregnant women and their developing fetuses. EPA will make a final regulatory determination for perchlorate after considering comments provided on this and previous notices related to the perchlorate regulatory determination. EPA’s final decision may be a determination to regulate.”
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