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The 2009 American Presidential Inauguration: A Guide for Foreign Media

The 2009 American Presidential Inauguration A Guide for Foreign Media
from the Washington Foreign Press Center
, Updated 01/08/2009

  • “The 2009 inauguration of the 44th President of the United States is a historic moment for our country, and we are honored that so many journalists from around the world are interested in covering this special and unique event. [This] information is culled from several official sources and is subject to change. The best way to stay informed is to sign up for press releases and announcements from the official inauguration team: the Presidential Inauguration Committee (PIC). You can do that at their Web site at; check the site frequently for updates and changes. We have also listed several other Internet resources in this guide to answer questions about security, logistics, travel, road closures, and other important details.”
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