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Federal Reserve: Commercial Paper Rates and Outstanding

Data as of November 3, 2008 – Commercial Paper Rates and Outstanding Derived from data supplied by The Depository Trust & Clearing Corporation

  • “Commercial paper consists of short-term, promissary notes issued primarily by corporations. Maturities range up to 270 days but average about 30 days. Many companies use commercial paper to raise cash needed for current transactions, and many find it to be a lower-cost alternative to bank loans. The Federal Reserve Board disseminates information on commercial paper (CP) primarily through its World Wide Web site. In addition, the Board publishes one-, two-, and three-month rates on AA nonfinancial and AA financial CP weekly in its H.15 Statistical Release and monthly in its G.13 Statistical Release. It also publishes some data on CP outstandings in the monthly Federal Reserve Bulletin.”
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