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Pentagon Posts Documents on Embedded Media

Via The Memory Hole, “On a subpage of their Freedom of Info Act website, the Defense Department today has posted 127 pages of documents concerning embedded media. The file may be downloaded here: DOD FOIA Reading Room.”

  • Related article from the New York Times, July 26, 2008 – 4,000 U.S. Deaths, and a Handful of Images [Please be advised that graphic and disturbing images are included.]: “If the conflict in Vietnam was notable for open access given to journalists — too much, many critics said, as the war played out nightly in bloody newscasts — the Iraq war may mark an opposite extreme: after five years and more than 4,000 American combat deaths, searches and interviews turned up fewer than a half-dozen graphic photographs of dead American soldiers.”
  • See also this April 28, 2005 posting, FOIA Requests Yield Photos of Return of Fallen Troops to US
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