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Judiciary Committee Releases Questions To AG Nominee Mukasey

Follow up to previous postings on the nomination of Michael B. Mukasey to be Attorney General, today’s press release provides additional documents: Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Patrick Leahy (D-Vt.) Friday released written questions and correspondence submitted for the record to Attorney General nominee Michael Mukasey. Consistent with standard committee practice, Senators were given a week to submit written follow-up questions to the nominee. The written queries focus on topics addressed in the two days of Judge Mukasey’s confirmation hearings — including torture policy and the warrantless wiretapping program – as well as other subjects.”

  • See also this related press release and letter today from Sen. Leahy: “Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Patrick Leahy (D-Vt.) Thursday sent a letter to White House Counsel Fred Fielding renewing requests for full disclosure of the Administration’s policies on torture and interrogation techniques for detainees. Earlier this week, the White House provided Leahy with four previously undisclosed documents, including one classified document, relevant to the Administration’s policies on torture prior to the tenure of former Attorney General Alberto Gonzales. Leahy has sought documents from the White House and Department of Justice in order to define the Administration’s legal policy on torture and interrogation.”
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