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New GAO Reports: Enemy Attacks in Iraq, Influenza Pandemic, Long-Term Fiscal Outlook, Nuclear Energy, Smithsonian Institution

  • DOD Should Provide Congress and the American Public with Monthly Data on Enemy-Initiated Attacks in Iraq in a Timely Manner, GAO-07-1048R, September 28, 2007
  • Influenza Pandemic: Federal Executive Boards’ Ability to Contribute to Pandemic Preparedness, GAO-07-1259T, September 28, 2007
  • The Nation’s Long-Term Fiscal Outlook, August 2007 Update: Despite Recent Improvement in the Annual Deficit, Federal Fiscal Policy Remains Unsustainable, GAO-07-1261R, September 28, 2007
  • Nuclear Energy: NRC’s Workforce and Processes for New Reactor Licensing Are Generally in Place, but Uncertainties Remain as Industry Begins to Submit Applications, GAO-07-1129, September 21, 2007
  • Smithsonian Institution: Funding Challenges Affect Facilities’ Conditions and Security, Endangering Collections, GAO-07-1127, September 28, 2007
  • U.S.-China Economic And Security Review Commission: Actions Needed to Improve Controls over Key Management Functions,
    GAO-07-1128, September 28, 2007
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