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Energy Outlook for September 2007; Electric Power Monthly

From the Energy Information Administration:

  • Short-Term Energy Outlook September 2007 (09/11/2007): “Quarterly short-term energy projections for supply, demand, and price for the major fuels through 2008 for the U.S. International oil forecasts are included.”
  • Energy and Economic Impacts of Implementing a 25-Percent Renewable Portfolio Standard and Renewable Fuel Standard by 2025 (09/11/2007): “This report responds to a request by Senator James Inhofe for analysis of a “25-by-25″ proposal that combines a requirement that a 25-percent share of electricity sales be produced from renewable sources by 2025 with a requirement that a 25-percent share of liquid transportation fuel sales also be derived from renewable sources by 2025. The electricity requirement is implemented as a renewable portfolio standard (RFS), while the motor fuel standard is implemented as a renewable fuel standard (RFS). The report provides a summary of the impacts of the Policy on U.S. energy markets and the economy through 2030.”
  • Electric Power Monthly (09/10/2007): “The latest EPM issue (September 2007) is now available on EIA’s Electricity page. Data being published in the September 2007 EPM include June 2007 data. Historical copies of the EPM tables in Excel format have also been posted on the EIA website, dating back to the May 2003 publication of the EPM. These files can be accessed here.”
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