September 13, 2006
By Mr. SPECTER, from the Committee on the Judiciary, with an amendment in the nature of a substitute, S. 2453: A bill to establish procedures for the review of electronic surveillance programs.
By Mr. SPECTER, from the Committee on the Judiciary, without amendment: S. 2455. A bill to provide in statute for the conduct of electronic surveillance of suspected terrorists for the purposes of protecting the American people, the Nation, and its interests from terrorist attack while ensuring that the civil liberties of United States citizens are safeguarded, and for other purposes.
By Mr. SPECTER, from the Committee on the Judiciary, with an amendment in the nature of a substitute: S. 3001. A bill to ensure that all electronic surveillance of United States persons for foreign intelligence purposes is conducted pursuant to individualized court-issued orders, to streamline the procedures of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act of 1978, and for other purposes.
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