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Info On Pentagon Phone Surveillance Program Generates Legal and Political Ramifications

Follow-up to May 11, 2006 posting, Domestic Call Records Mined for Expansive Pentagon Database Program, see the following related news and commentary:

  • NSA secret database report triggers fierce debate in Washington
  • Gathering data may not violate privacy rights, but it could be illegal
  • Press release: Over Fifty Members of Congress Call for Special Counsel Investigation into NSA Domestic Surveillance Programs – “Washington Rep. Zoe Lofgren (D-San Jose) spearheaded a letter sent today by 54 Members of Congress to President Bush renewing their call for the appointment of a Special Counsel to investigate all domestic surveillance programs conducted by the National Security Agency.”
  • CBA/AP: Verizon Sued For Giving Records To NSA – N.J. Lawyers Seek $5B Claiming Phone Company Violated Privacy Laws
  • AP – CIA Nominee Hayden Defends NSA Programs
  • AP: White House Stands by Gen. Hayden for CIA
  • AP – Lawyer: Ex-Qwest Exec Ignored NSA Request
  • New York Times: Qwest’s Refusal of N.S.A. Query Is Explained
  • AP: Report on NSA Brings Surveillance in Focus
  • NSA Again Violates the Law, by Kate Martin, Director, Center for National Security Studies
  • Thoughts on the Legality of the Latest NSA Surveillance Program, by Orin Kerr
  • “Democratic Members of the Committee on Energy and Commerce send a letter to Chairman Barton requesting a full Committee hearing to review recent reports of three telecommunications companies providing the records of millions of Americans to the National Security Agency.”
  • Callers Can’t Hide – Want to chat in private? Stay off the phone.
  • LA Times (reg. req’d): As Tech Advances, Privacy Laws Lag
    “Businesses that use advanced tools to track data are caught between customers’ expectations of privacy and official demands for access.”
  • LA Times Editorial: Is any phone call off-limits? Latest NSA revelations show that the White House can’t be trusted to draw the line on liberties.
  • Related postings on domestic surveillance program
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