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Pre-Bunking A Strategy for Fighting BS

The Grassroots Connector – “…Pre-bunking uses videos, social media, even an online game to help people detect the age-old tactics of misinformation. These tactics, familiar to most of us but seemingly undetected among FOX News addicts, include: scapegoating, impersonation, emotional and/or divisive language, gaslighting, red herrings, conspiracy theories, and a dozen other garden variety deceits. By explaining each tactic, then showing specific examples, pre-bunking trains the gullible to be suspicious, very suspicious. Most of us would have balked at believing Haitian immigrants were eating dogs and cats, but. . . With pre-bunking, even a devout Trumper can be taught to think twice. So where can you get your pre-bunking boots? Grassroots groups are already on the job. Here are a few:

Once you learn to spot the rhetorical deceits behind “fake news,” spread the word. Your own social media accounts might be a place to start, posting links to “Bad News,” “Cranky Uncle,” or Indivisible’s Truth Brigade. Next, if you have any Trumper friends or family still talking to you, sit them down — soon — and go over some techniques of misinformation. Remember: it’s not about winning arguments, it’s about helping people think and question. On into the post-truth age, pre-bunking offers hope for critical thinking, for truth, perhaps for democracy itself…”

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