FrameLab – Advice for defeating the authoritarian threat – “It is hard to compete with Woody Guthrie’s timeless list of New Year resolutions from 1943, which includes these ever-relevant goals:
Work more and better.
Read lots of good books.
Keep hoping machine running.
Help win war – beat fascism.
Wake up and fight.
But here’s a list of FrameLab resolutions as we head into 2025: [highlights without the abstracts but please read the entire post]: Be Brave, Cultivate empathy, Stay focused, Be proactive, Foster real connections, Avoid brain rot and lies, Share a positive message when possible, Demand accountability, Engage young people, Don’t help Trump, Don’t argue with his supporters, Remember: this is a regime, Learn from history, Support artists and the arts, Take care of yourself, Celebrate victories, Persist!