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Daily Archives: September 17, 2024

Big publishers think libraries are the enemy

citation needed, Molly WhiteBig publishers think libraries are the enemy. The recent Second Circuit decision in Hachette v. Internet Archive is only the latest battle in the war on libraries and the freedom to read: “I’ve seen quips to the effect of “if public libraries were invented today, they’d be outlawed.” The joke is increasingly becoming reality, most recently thanks to a decision in the Second Circuit Court of Appeals. Particularly in a country where we’re seeing rapidly intensifying campaigns against books, libraries, and librarians, I am extremely concerned by an outcome that not only imposes further limits on how libraries can provide books to the people who need them, but seems to view libraries as detrimental to society. We must fight to protect our rights to read freely, and fight back against the censorship, surveillance, and rent-seeking that publishers and book distribution platforms have been working to not only normalize, but protect by law. My beliefs are simple, and hardly radical: Libraries are critical infrastructure. Access to information is a human right. When you buy a book you should truly own it. When a library buys a book, they should be able to lend it. Readers should be able to read without any third parties spying over their shoulders, or preventing them from accessing the materials they have legally obtained…”

Social Media and News Fact Sheet

Pew Research Center: “Digital sources have become an important part of Americans’ news diets – with social media playing a crucial role, particularly for younger adults. Overall, just over half of U.S. adults (54%) say they at least sometimes get news from social media, up slightly compared with the last few years. News consumption on… Continue Reading

How A.I., QAnon and Falsehoods Are Reshaping the Presidential Race

The New York Times [unpaywalled]: “This year’s presidential election has been polluted with rumors, conspiracy theories and a wave of artificial intelligence imagery. Former President Donald J. Trump has continued to sow doubts about election integrity as his allies across the country have taken steps to make election denial a fixture of the balloting process.… Continue Reading

A National Study of Sexual Harassment and Assault in the United States

Raj A, Rao N, Patel P, Kearl H. #MeToo 2024: A National Study of Sexual Harassment and Assault in the United States. Newcomb Institute. Tulane University. September 2024.  New research from Tulane University’s Newcomb Institute found that not only have most American women experienced sexual harassment or assault before even reaching adulthood, but very… Continue Reading

Google will begin labeling AI-generated images in Search

Digital Trends: “AI-generated images have become increasingly predominant in the results of Google searches in recent months, crowding out legitimate results and making it harder for users to find what they’re actually looking for. In response, Google announced on Tuesday that it will begin labeling AI-generated and AI-edited image search results in the coming months.… Continue Reading

A bottle of water per email: the hidden environmental costs of using AI chatbots

Washington Post [unpaywalled]: AI bots generate a lot of heat, and keeping their computer servers running exacts a toll. Roughly a quarter of Americans have used ChatGPT since the chatbot’s 2022 release, according to the Pew Research Center — and every query exacts a cost. Chatbots use an immense amount of power to respond to… Continue Reading

What Is a Digital Footprint? Here’s What to Know About Your Online Trail

MakeUseOf: Key Takeaways: Digital footprints include active and passive data, influencing personalized ads and account security. Your online presence affects credit scoring, job applications, and criminal investigations. Minimize your digital footprint by cleaning up social media, using multiple emails, and avoiding easy login options. From your early days as an internet newbie to your current… Continue Reading

UNESCO Data Browser

“The UIS is excited to introduce the new UIS Data Browser which brings together all our data on education, science, and culture, making it a convenient resource for everyone, from policymakers to researchers. With a refreshed interface, users can easily view and download customized data for their needs. The new browser also offers better tools for exploring metadata… Continue Reading

Art words

Data is Plural: “The Getty Vocabularies, published by the Getty Research Institute, “contain structured terminology for art, architecture, decorative arts, archival materials, visual surrogates, art conservation, and bibliographic materials.” They provide definitions, relationships, translations, and disambiguations for a broad range of terms and entities. Their Art & Architecture Thesaurus, for example, describes 57,000+ generic concepts… Continue Reading