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Daily Archives: August 18, 2024

The Economist US election forecast model

The Economist’s model of America’s presidential election estimates each major candidate’s chances of winning each state and the overall electoral college. Developed with a team of scholars at Columbia University, the forecast combines national and state-level polls with fundamental data about the state of the economy, historical voting patterns and the demographics of each state… Continue Reading

U.S. Congress Legislative Status Steps Image added to

In Custodia Legis: “July was a great month for Robert shared news of our first release of the month and I blogged about the second. Andrew Reiter detailed how we modernized treaty documents. Cassidy Charles discussed all of the appropriations information on and highlighted the new appropriations resources video. With today’s release there is… Continue Reading

FBI Releases Motor Vehicle Theft, 2019—2023

“On August 12, 2024, the FBI’s Uniform Crime Reporting Program released Motor Vehicle Theft, 2019-2023, on the FBI’s Crime Data Explorer at This special report provides information concerning motor vehicle theft and trends on carjacking. Incidents of motor vehicle theft included in this report are from the National Incident-Based Reporting System (NIBRS). Participation in… Continue Reading

Yale Library – Objects from 200-plus collections are new online

“April 1 through June 30 of this year, more than 8,500 new object landing pages were created. These pages contain 30,000-plus images of individual items, including handwritten letters, manuscripts, photographs, maps, and more. The Lewis Walpole Library alone added digital images for more than 2,000 items, including objects from the British Theatrical and Literary Prints… Continue Reading

The Red Hand Files

Kottke: “The musician Nick Cave was on The Late Show with Stephen Colbert earlier this week (full interview) and he read a letter from his Red Hand Files, an AMA project where fans write in with questions and he answers them. The question was: Following the last few years I’m feeling empty and more cynical… Continue Reading

An interactive ecological time machine takes you to New York City in 1609

BoingBoing: “Eric W. Sanderson is a landscape ecologist, and Vice President for Urban Conservation Strategy at the New York Botanical Garden, who has embarked on a project to digitally recreate all of New York City as it existed in 1609, the year Henry Hudson sailed into New York harbor. He has already successfully completed the… Continue Reading