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Monthly Archives: July 2023

FTC probe of OpenAI: Consumer protection is the opening salvo of US AI regulation

Via LLRX – FTC probe of OpenAI: Consumer protection is the opening salvo of US AI regulation – As a researcher of social media and AI, Anjana Susarla recognizes the immensely transformative potential of generative AI models, but believes that these systems pose risks. In particular, in the context of consumer protection, these models can produce errors,… Continue Reading

GAO – Federal Buildings Remain Underutilized

Federal Real Property – Preliminary Results Show Federal Buildings Remain Underutilized Due to Longstanding Challenges and Increased Telework, July 13, 2023. Testimony Before the Subcommittee on Economic Development, Public Buildings, and Emergency Management, Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure, House of Representatives: “Federal agencies have long struggled to determine how much office space they needed to… Continue Reading


Bambauer, Derek E. and Surdeanu, Mihai, Authorbots (May 9, 2023). 3 Journal of Free Speech Law (forthcoming 2023), Arizona Legal Studies Discussion Paper No. 23-13, Available at SSRN: – “ChatGPT has exploded into the popular consciousness in recent months, and the hype and concerns about the program have only grown louder with the release of… Continue Reading

Cybersecurity Labeling Program for Smart Devices to Protect American Consumers

‘The Biden-Harris Administration today announced a cybersecurity certification and labeling program to help Americans more easily choose smart devices that are safer and less vulnerable to cyberattacks. The new “U.S. Cyber Trust Mark” program proposed by Federal Communications Commission (FCC) Chairwoman Jessica Rosenworcel would raise the bar for cybersecurity across common devices, including smart refrigerators,… Continue Reading

‘Not for Machines to Harvest’: Data Revolts Break Out Against A.I.

The New York Times [free to read]: “Fed up with A.I. companies consuming online content without consent, fan fiction writers, actors, social media companies and news organizations are among those rebelling…Fan fiction writers are just one group now staging revolts against A.I. systems as a fever over the technology has gripped Silicon Valley and the… Continue Reading

How to Use the Updated “Nursing Home Inspect” Database

ProPublica: “Nursing Home Inspect” makes it fast and easy to search thousands of recent government inspection reports, find information about specific nursing homes and discover new serious issues found by inspectors. Below are some tips to help you make the most of our database. First, a little background. Nursing homes receiving Medicare and Medicaid funding… Continue Reading

New data shows Supreme Court ideology continues to lean conservative

Axios: “The Supreme Court continued to lean conservative during its most recent term, according to preliminary data. Why it matters: After overturning Roe v. Wade in 2022, the court continued to push American law toward the right — including in its historic decisions last week on affirmative action and gay rights. Driving the news: Preliminary… Continue Reading

How to Use Browser Extensions and Add-ons in Incognito Mode

MakeUseOf: “Extensions are helpful tools that make it easier to complete certain tasks as you browse. When you’re using Google Chrome or Firefox, your extension will appear in the toolbar, allowing you to access them whenever it’s necessary…But sometimes, you might prefer to browse in incognito or private mode. When you’re browsing in private mode,… Continue Reading

A Comparative Perspective on AI Regulation

Lawfare: Itsiq Benizri, Arianna Evers, Shannon Togawa Mercer, Ali A. Jessani – July 17, 2023 – The question isn’t whether AI will be regulated, but how. “On May 30, approximately 350 artificial intelligence (AI) experts penned a letter to express significant concerns about risks associated with AI. The letter stated that “[m]itigating the risk of extinction… Continue Reading