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Monthly Archives: April 2021

Libraries Offering Services to Seniors During COVID-19 Pandemic

Book Riot – “…According to the Central for Disease Control (CDC), eight out of ten deaths related to COVID-19 are individuals aged 65 years and older. Because of the especially high health risks, seniors and senior centers have had to take strict precautions for protection. While some seniors are able to access virtual socializing via… Continue Reading

Did you work remotely last year? A surprise tax might be waiting for you.

Vox: “The pandemic has accelerated the move to remote work and with it the possibility that those employees can live anywhere they please. That could mean a higher standard of living and a lower income tax rate for the growing number of remote workers. But in some instances it could mean having to pay taxes… Continue Reading

Dark patterns, the tricks websites use to make you say yes, explained

Vox: “How design can manipulate and coerce you into doing what websites want. If you’re an Instagram user, you may have recently seen a pop-up asking if you want the service to “use your app and website activity” to “provide a better ads experience.” At the bottom there are two boxes: In a slightly darker… Continue Reading

12 Things You Didn’t Know You Could Do in Firefox

Gizmodo: “We’re coming up on the 20th anniversary of Mozilla’s Firefox web browser next year, and a lot of features have come and gone in that time. If you’re using Firefox as your daily driver, make sure you’re using it to its full potential by checking out some of these lesser-known tools, options, and features…” Continue Reading

What You Need to Know About Your Vaccine Card

The New York Times – “For now, the best way to show that you’ve been inoculated against the coronavirus is a simple white card. Here, your key questions answered. As vaccinations become more widely available for people in the United States and travel starts picking up, many people have started sharing their simple white vaccination… Continue Reading

A Computer Scientist Who Tackles Inequality Through Algorithms

Qanta Magazine: “When Rediet Abebe arrived at Harvard University as an undergraduate in 2009, she planned to study mathematics. But her experiences with the Cambridge public schools soon changed her plans. Abebe, 29, is from Addis Ababa, Ethiopia’s capital and largest city. When residents there didn’t have the resources they needed, she attributed it to community-level scarcity.… Continue Reading

Another lockdown, but this time Parisians demand bookstores stay open

Boston Globe: “In France, the price of a baguette is protected by French law, and so is the price of a book. This says a lot about the place of reading in French life. In 1981, the loi Lang, named for then-president François Mitterand’s flamboyant minister of culture, Jack Lang, mandated that all booksellers, whether… Continue Reading

9 Legal Ways to Watch Movies Online for Free

Make Use Of: “There are many illegal options. Want to stay within the law? Here are several legal ways to watch movies online. Gone are the days when Netflix was the sole player in the media streaming space. Nowadays, there are plenty of on-demand streaming services available to the average consumer. The only catch is… Continue Reading

The Legal Permissibility of a Jury Trial by Videoconference

Shammas, Michael and Pressman, Michael, The Legal Permissibility of a Jury Trial by Videoconference (April 1, 2021). Forthcoming, ABA Publication on Online Court Procedures, Available at SSRN: or “The coronavirus pandemic has uprooted life as we know it. No institution is immune. As a result of the crisis, trials in every state (jury… Continue Reading

Why Informal Information Sharing is Holding Your Organization Back

Why Informal Information Sharing is Holding Your Organization Back, By Mary Ellen Bates: “Regardless of copyright licensing policies within most enterprises, there’s one thing that can’t be denied: there is a lot of informal collaboration going on right now. According to the 2020 Information Seeking and Consumption Study conducted by Outsell Inc., an estimated two-thirds of people… Continue Reading