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Monthly Archives: April 2021

Forbes World Billionaire’s List

“It’s been a year like no other, and we aren’t talking about the pandemic. There were rapid-fire public offerings, surging cryptocurrencies and skyrocketing stock prices. The number of billionaires on Forbes’ 35th annual list of the world’s wealthiest exploded to an unprecedented 2,755–660 more than a year ago. Of those, a record high 493 were… Continue Reading

We sampled tap water across the US and found arsenic, lead and toxic chemicals

“A nine-month investigation by the Guardian and Consumer Reports found alarming levels of forever chemicals, arsenic and lead in samples taken across the US by Ryan Felton and Lisa Gill of Consumer Reports and Lewis Kendall for the Guardian – “In Connecticut, a condo had lead in its drinking water at levels more than double… Continue Reading

Are my passwords on the dark web? Protect your data after a breach

CNET – “By the time a company tells you your data’s been stolen as part of a breach, your information may already be on the dark web. Here’s how to keep pace with the hackers. Your personal data’s been stolen, but you often won’t learn about it until long after Facebook, Equifax, Marriott, Yahoo, DoorDash or some… Continue Reading

The Effect of COVID-19 on Law Libraries: Are These Changes Temporary or a Sign of the Future?

Sneed, Thomas, The Effect of COVID-19 on Law Libraries: Are These Changes Temporary or a Sign of the Future? (2020). Washburn Law Journal, Vol. 60, No. 1, 2020, Available at SSRN: “Due to the public health crisis of the COVID-19 pandemic, many of the traditional roles of the library were altered spontaneously. These sudden… Continue Reading

How to pick the perfect password

PCWorld – Best practices for storing and creating: “Picking the perfect password comes down to a battle between two competing priorities: creating safe passwords that are lengthy and unique, and creating ones you can remember. You might think to yourself, I already have more passwords than I need! I’ve created passwords for years!  But with the rise… Continue Reading

How to limit the number of characters in a search and replace only a specific character in Word

Tech Republic – “When a Replace task goes beyond the basics, it requires wildcards and specialized knowledge. Learn how to use specific wildcards to limit the number of characters in a search string. Microsoft Word’s Replace feature is a powerful tool that can take on just about any search task. The problem is that it is… Continue Reading

55 Corporations Paid $0 in Federal Taxes on 2020 Profits report

Institute on Taxation and Economic Policy Report – “At least 55 of the largest corporations in America paid no federal corporate income taxes in their most recent fiscal year despite enjoying substantial pretax profits in the United States. This continues a decades-long trend of corporate tax avoidance by the biggest U.S. corporations, and it appears… Continue Reading

LexisNexis to Provide Giant Database of Personal Information to ICE

The Intercept: “The popular legal research and data brokerage firm LexisNexis signed a $16.8 million contract to sell information to U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement, according to documents shared with The Intercept. The deal is already drawing fire from critics and comes less than two years after the company downplayed its ties to ICE, claiming… Continue Reading

Corporate America Bankrolls Voter Suppression

“Some of the biggest names in corporate America are backing state lawmakers who are pushing bills to make it more difficult to vote, a new Public Citizen report shows. Corporations have contributed $50 million since 2015 to state legislators supporting anti-voter bills, including $22 million over the past two years, according to the report, “The… Continue Reading