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Monthly Archives: April 2021

How to record separate audio for each person in a Zoom call

Tech Republic – “Recording a Zoom meeting can be helpful for lots of reasons, and creating separate audio files for each participant can make post-meeting editing much easier than trying to parse one big file. Let’s say you’re in a Zoom meeting. Someone says something profound or important about the topic at hand, but the moment… Continue Reading

Book Review of Pierre Schlag and Amy J. Griffin, How to do Things with Legal Doctrine

Little, Laura E., A Taxonomy of Taxonomies (Book Review of Pierre Schlag and Amy J. Griffin, How to do Things with Legal Doctrine (2020)). __ Journal of Legal Education __ (2021 Forthcoming), Temple University Legal Studies Research Paper No. 2021-14, Available at SSRN: “This book review celebrates a new book’s adroit categorization of various… Continue Reading

Scope of CDC Authority Under Section 361 of the Public Health Service Act

CRS Report – Scope of CDC Authority Under Section 361 of the Public Health Service Act (PHSA), April 13, 2021: “Since the beginning of the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic, all levels of government have grappled with how to stem the spread of the disease. Until the recent authorization of several COVID-19 vaccines, community mitigation… Continue Reading

Capitol Police Told to Hold Back on Riot Response on Jan. 6

The New York Times – “The Capitol Police had clearer advance warnings about the Jan. 6 attack than were previously known, including the potential for violence in which “Congress itself is the target.” But officers were instructed by their leaders not to use their most aggressive tactics to hold off the mob, according to a… Continue Reading

Revealed: the Facebook loophole that lets world leaders deceive and harass their citizens

Julia Carrie Wong – A Guardian investigation exposes the breadth of state-backed manipulation of the platform. “Facebook has repeatedly allowed world leaders and politicians to use its platform to deceive the public or harass opponents despite being alerted to evidence of the wrongdoing. The Guardian has seen extensive internal documentation showing how Facebook handled more… Continue Reading

Explore Congressional Reactions to Historic Events on

In Custodia Legis: “The team has received feedback requesting that we add content from prior congresses to the Congressional Record and public law text collections. We are pleased to announce that we have made substantial progress on this request. The Bound Congressional Record collection now goes back to the 82nd Congress (1951-1953) and the… Continue Reading

FCC Encourages Public to Use Its Speed Test App

FCC: “In today’s world, it is critical that families and businesses across the country have access to broadband. As work, education, healthcare, and many other activities have moved online, broadband is no longer nice to have. It’s need to have for everyone. In order to better determine where high speed internet services are currently unavailable,… Continue Reading

Legal Issues Related to Transportation Mask-Wearing Mandates

CRS Legal Sidebar – Legal Issues Related to Transportation Mask-Wearing Mandates April 12, 2021: “On January 21, 2021, President Joe Biden issued an executive order directing federal agencies to require mask wearing in a range of transportation contexts nationwide. In response, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) issued an order (Mask Order) requiring… Continue Reading

Race-ing Roe: Reproductive Justice, Racial Justice, and the Battle for Roe v. Wade

134 Harv. L. Rev. 2025 Apr 12, 2021 Race-ing Roe: Reproductive Justice, Racial Justice, and the Battle for Roe v. Wade – Article by Melissa Murray – “Amidst a raft of major Supreme Court decisions, a relatively quiet concurrence has planted the seeds for what may precipitate a major transformation in American constitutional law. Writing for… Continue Reading