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Monthly Archives: January 2021

Most voters say the events at the US Capitol are a threat to democracy

YouGov: “Supporters of President Donald Trump stormed the US Capitol earlier this afternoon to protest lawmakers certifying Joe Biden’s election victory. According to initial reports, one person was shot and killed and at least one explosive device was found in the area.   A YouGov Direct poll of 1,397 registered voters who had heard about the… Continue Reading

Artificial Intelligence in the Courts, Legal Academia and Legal Practice

Bennett Moses, Lyria, Artificial Intelligence in the Courts, Legal Academia and Legal Practice (August 7, 2017). Australian Law Journal, 91(7), p. 561-574 (2017), UNSW Law Research Paper No. 20-79, Available at SSRN: “Advances in technology, in particular in artificial intelligence, will continue to have a significant impact on the discipline of law in academia,… Continue Reading

The Future of Law Schools: COVID-19, Technology, and Social Justice

Sundquist, Christian, The Future of Law Schools: COVID-19, Technology, and Social Justice (August 1, 2020). Connecticut Law Review, Vol. 53(1), 2020, Available at SSRN: “The COVID-19 pandemic has laid bare not only the social and racial inequities in society, but also the pedagogical and access to justice inequities embedded in the traditional legal curriculum.… Continue Reading

The Notorious RGB: Lessons on Legal Writing from the Legendary Ruth Bader Ginsburg

Lebovits, Gerald, The Notorious R.B.G.: Lessons on Legal Writing from the Legendary Ruth Bader Ginsburg (November 2020). Gerald Lebovits, The Legal Writer, The Notorious R.B.G.: Lessons on Legal Writing from the Legendary Ruth Bader Ginsburg, 92 N.Y. St. B.J. 76 (Nov. 2020)., Available at SSRN: – “The article discusses Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s advice on… Continue Reading

How years of online misinformation erupted into real-world insurrection

Fast Company – “On social networks, a toxic stew of lies simmered for years—until the president’s supporters responded with violent action at the U.S. Capitol…Despite the many fact-checking outlets and news organization efforts devoted to correcting Trump’s errors, he is un-fact-checkable. His constant stream of half truths and outright lies have fostered an environment where… Continue Reading

Resources for Tracking Federal COVID-19 Spending

CRS report via LC – Resources for Tracking Federal COVID-19 Spending, Updated January 6, 2021 – “Congress has responded to the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic with supplemental appropriations measures providing relief and assistance to individuals and families, state and local governments, businesses, health care providers, and other entities. For more information, see CRS Report R46474,… Continue Reading

It Spied on Soviet Atomic Bombs. Now It’s Solving Ecological Mysteries

The New York Times – Imagery from the Cold War’s Corona satellites is helping scientists fill in how we have changed our planet in the past half century. “To map a landscape’s history, foresters like Dr. Nita long depended on maps and traditional tree inventories that could be riddled with inaccuracies. But now they have… Continue Reading

More Than 15 Million Shots Given: Covid-19 Vaccine Tracker

Bloomberg: The U.S. has administered 5.05 million doses; Europe’s rollout begins. Updated: January 5, 2021, 6:31 PM EST Vaccine Tracker Vaccine Contracts Global Cases U.S. Cases U.S. Hospitalizations U.S. Regions The biggest vaccination campaign in history has begun. More than 15 million doses in 35 countries have been administered, according to data collected by Bloomberg. Delivering billions… Continue Reading

EveryLibrary Calls on State and Local Health Officials to Prioritize Librarians and Library Workers in Vaccination Plans

EveryLibrary: “Librarians and library workers in public libraries and academic libraries are essential and should be included in state and local Phase 1b or Phase 1c vaccine distribution plans to protect staff and minimize risk to patrons and users. School librarians are included in plans for the education community and should continue to be prioritized.  EveryLibrary… Continue Reading

CDC COVID Data Tracker – Maps, charts, and data provided by the CDC

CDC – “As a result of a data processing issue, some duplicate doses administered were reported for the state of Virginia up through January 5. The corrected number of People Initiating Vaccination for Virginia will appear beginning January 6, 2020. Doses distributed and people initiating vaccination (1st dose received) are for both Moderna and Pfizer… Continue Reading