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Monthly Archives: July 2020

New on LLRX for June 2020

Reopening Your Law Firm: Your Clients – Nicole L. Black has published a series of articles focused on helping your firm work remotely and effectively throughout the pandemic. As many firms throughout the country are planning and executing phased re-openings, Nicole identifies issues and actions to assess and implement to permit your firm to open… Continue Reading

Programs to Collect Data on Law Enforcement Activities: Overview and Issues

CRS report via LC – Programs to Collect Data on Law Enforcement Activities: Overview and Issues, July 6, 2020: “The death of George Floyd in Minneapolis, MN,while he was in the custody of law enforcement, and several other recent high-profile deaths of African Americans at the hands of police,have generated interest in legislation to reform… Continue Reading

The claim that masks interfere with your ability to get enough oxygen is false

PopularInformation: “The claim that masks interfere with your ability to get enough oxygen is false. Christopher Labos, a doctor affiliated with McGill University, explains: There are actually only two ways to develop low oxygen levels in the blood. One is to deliver less oxygen into the lungs, and the other is to impair the lungs’… Continue Reading

NIST Kick-Starts ‘Threshold Cryptography’ Development Effort

Establishing the emerging technique’s building blocks is a near-term focus – “A new publication by cryptography experts at the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) proposes the direction the technical agency will take to develop a more secure approach to encryption. This approach, called threshold cryptography, could overcome some of the limitations of conventional… Continue Reading

A Plan to Make Police Data Open Source Started on Reddit

Wired – “…For years, researchers, journalists, and activists have turned to official records, from incident reports to misconduct complaints, as one window into police behavior in the United States. “The problem is that all of this data, although it’s public, is buried inside of these really crappy or antiquated public records portals,” says Kristin Tynski.… Continue Reading

An Update to the Economic Outlook: 2020 to 2030

Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget – “Today, the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) released updated economic projections, incorporating the economic damage from the COVID-19 pandemic. These estimates are an update to CBO’s May projections; they incorporate data through June 26 – not including the latest jobs report – as well as the estimated effects of fiscal support enacted so far. CBO projects rapid economic growth beginning in the… Continue Reading

Managing the Risk From COVID-19 During a Return to On-Site University Research

Managing the Risk From COVID-19 During a Return to On-Site University JSR-20-NS1 July 2, 2020 Distribution Statement A: Approved for Public Release. Distribution is unlimited. JASON The MITRE Corporation: “…After months of allowing only essential personnel on campus, universities have begun to ramp up research and allow typically a fraction of their researchers back on… Continue Reading

The Coronavirus Will Be With Us For Years to Come

National Interest: “…Medical experts predict that “there almost certainly will not be enough vaccine for at least several years, even with the unprecedented effort to manufacture billions of doses. About 70 percent of the world’s population—or 5.6 billion people—will probably need to be inoculated to begin to establish herd immunity and slow [the coronavirus’s] spread.”  … Continue Reading

Federal government moving ahead with removing protections for birds under Migratory Bird Treaty Act

“From the Cornell Lab of Ornithology e-newsletter: Public Comment Period Open: The federal government is moving ahead with removing protections for birds under the Migratory Bird Treaty Act. The American Ornithological Society has this summary, and you can provide public comments through July 20. The AOS statement (July 1) begins: In March, we published a blog post on the Migratory Bird… Continue Reading