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Monthly Archives: July 2020

Quit Chrome. Safari and Edge Are Just Better Browsers for You and Your Computer

WSJ via DowJones/Fidelity: “…while Chrome has gobbled up 69% of the desktop-laptop browser market share, according to NetMarketShare, its competitors, all with single-digit percentages, have been laser-focused on kicking Chrome square in the blue dot. Microsoft’s new Edge browser, rolling out to Windows 10 machines this summer and available now for download on a Mac,… Continue Reading

Is Your State Doing Enough Coronavirus Testing?

The New York Times – “The number of daily coronavirus tests being conducted in the United States is only 36 percent of the level considered necessary to mitigate the spread of the virus, as many states struggle to ramp up testing and catch up to the recent surge in cases. An average of 656,000 people… Continue Reading

How to catch a glimpse of the spectacular comet Neowise before it disappears for thousands of years

CBS News: “A newly-discovered comet is giving skywatchers quite the show during the month of July. Early risers may have already caught a glimpse of the comet Neowise as it streaks across the sky, but don’t worry — some of the best viewing moments have yet to come. What is NEOWISE? Astronomers discovered the comet,… Continue Reading

Majority of Public Favors Giving Civilians the Power to Sue Police Officers for Misconduct

“With legislation to address racism and the use of excessive force by law enforcement stalled in Congress, there is broad public support in the United States for permitting citizens to sue police officers in order to hold them accountable for misconduct or using excessive force. The legal doctrine of “qualified immunity” generally protects officers from… Continue Reading

Student and Exchange Visitor Program (SEVP) Lawsuit

Harvard University: “For many of our international students, studying in the United States and studying at Harvard is the fulfillment of a lifelong dream. These students enrich the learning environment for everyone. Harvard, like many other institutions, has sought to balance addressing concerns for public health during this global pandemic with preserving our academic mission… Continue Reading

China’s Great Firewall descends on Hong Kong internet users

The Guardian: “At midnight on Tuesday, the Great Firewall of China, the vast apparatus that limits the country’s internet, appeared to descend on Hong Kong. Unveiling expanded police powers as part of a contentious new national security law, the Hong Kong government enabled police to censor online speech and force internet service providers to hand… Continue Reading

Legal experts say Supreme Court ruling on Trump financial records will have far-reaching effect

SCOTUS Blog – Opinion analysis – Disputes over Trump financial records to continue: “This morning [July 9, 2020] the Supreme Court issued its long-awaited rulings in the battle over efforts to obtain financial records belonging to President Donald Trump. By a vote of 7-2, the justices sent a pair of cases challenging congressional subpoenas for… Continue Reading

Links to health departments in all 50 states and US territories

With states and localities re-opening and summer travel underway, it is important to check the restrictions that may be in place before you decide to plan a trip near or far away. “Looking for the website of a state or territorial health department? The resources here link to health departments in all 50 states, 8… Continue Reading

The COVID Racial Data Tracker

“The COVID Racial Data Tracker advocates for, collects, publishes, and analyzes racial data on the pandemic across the United States. It’s a collaboration between the COVID Tracking Project and the Boston University Center for Antiracist Research. This project began when Dr. Ibram X. Kendi, director of the BU Center for Antiracist Research, wrote a series… Continue Reading