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Monthly Archives: May 2020

Springer – Free access to a range of essential textbooks from all disciplines

“With the Coronavirus outbreak having an unprecedented impact on education, Springer Nature is launching a global program to support learning and teaching at higher education institutions worldwide. Remote access to educational resources has become essential. We want to support lecturers, teachers and students during this challenging period and hope that this initiative will go some… Continue Reading

Firefox 76 arrives with password management and Zoom improvements

Venture Beat: “Mozilla today launched Firefox 76 for Windows, Mac, and Linux. Firefox 76 includes new Firefox Lockwise password functionality, Zoom improvements, and a handful of developer features. You can download Firefox 76 for desktop now from, and all existing users should be able to upgrade to it automatically. According to Mozilla, Firefox has… Continue Reading

Scientists Say a Now-Dominant Strain of the Coronavirus Appears To Be More Contagious Than Original

bioRxIV- Spike mutation pipeline reveals the emergence of a more transmissible form of SARS-CoV-2. Full text – May 5, 2020. “We have developed an analysis pipeline to facilitate real-time mutation tracking in SARS-CoV-2, focusing initially on the Spike (S) protein because it mediates infection of human cells and is the target of most vaccine strategies… Continue Reading

Virus-afflicted 2020 looks like 1918 despite science’s march

AP: “Despite a century’s progress in science, 2020 is looking a lot like 1918. In the years between two lethal pandemics, one the misnamed Spanish flu, the other COVID-19, the world learned about viruses, cured various diseases, made effective vaccines, developed instant communications and created elaborate public-health networks. Yet here we are again, face-masked to… Continue Reading

Fintech: Overview of Innovative Financial Technology and Selected Policy Issues – Fintech: Overview of Innovative Financial Technology and Selected Policy Issues, April 28, 2020 – “Advances in technology allow for innovation in the ways businesses and individuals perform financial activities. The development of financial technology—commonly referred to as fintech—is the subject of great interest for the public and policymakers. Fintech innovations could potentially improve… Continue Reading

Whistleblower Complaint on Trump’s Pandemic Response

Vanity Fair – “He was pressured to invest in drugs and vaccines that lacked scientific merit, because the people selling them had friends in the Trump administration, up to and including the president’s son-in-law, Jared Kushner. He was forced to transfer funds to acquire drugs for the Strategic National Stockpile, America’s most important reserve of… Continue Reading

Flying During Coronavirus: How Airlines Are Changing Their In-Flight Rules

Conde Nast Traveler – The latest on mandatory masks, blocked middle seats, and updated boarding procedures. “After coming to a near standstill due to the coronavirus outbreak, the air travel industry is turning its collective attention to what it will take to get passengers flying again. The first step: making fliers feeling safe in the… Continue Reading

Visualizing the Financial Stress of Firms in the United States

Reuters data visualizations – Falling Angels?: “Data show how debt has U.S. companies on the edge of danger. The pandemic may push them over. U.S. companies have amassed roughly $10 trillion of debt since 2001, taking advantage of more than a decade of low interest rates and economic expansion. More than half of corporate bonds… Continue Reading

Virtual Preservation Month

“Throughout the month of May, the National Trust is bringing you the very best in preservation from coast to coast, offering 31 days of rich digital experiences at historic places to inspire, delight, and entertain you. Whether coming from our National Trust Historic Sites, Historic Artists’ Homes and Studios, or National Treasures, each day will… Continue Reading

Unimpressed by online classes, college students seek refunds

AP: “They wanted the campus experience, but their colleges sent them home to learn online during the coronavirus pandemic. Now, students at more than 25 U.S. universities are filing lawsuits against their schools demanding partial refunds on tuition and campus fees, saying they’re not getting the caliber of education they were promised. The suits reflect… Continue Reading