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Monthly Archives: May 2020

Analysis: How COVID-19 Has Changed Consumer Confidence in All 50 States

Morning Consult – Tracking how consumer perceptions have shifted in the wake of the coronavirus outbreak: “Since the onset of the coronavirus pandemic, consumer confidence has shifted dramatically in all 50 states. However, the precise magnitude and nature of those shifts varies in important ways, and those nuances carry vast implications for policymakers, businesses, and… Continue Reading

Welcome Back to the Office. Your Every Move Will Be Watched. “Many office workers have become used to widespread security cameras and keycards that register entries and exits. After the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks, buildings installed enhanced security measures, including logging in visitors and X-raying briefcases. But the arrival of Covid-19 is taking surveillance to a higher level, with some employers planning to track movements… Continue Reading

The Newspaper Navigator Dataset

The Newspaper Navigator Dataset: Extracting And Analyzing Visual Content from 16 Million Historic Newspaper Pages in Chronicling America – Benjamin Charles Germain Lee, Jaime Mears, Eileen Jakeway, Meghan Ferriter, Chris Adams, Nathan Yarasavage, Deborah Thomas, Kate Zwaard, Daniel S. Weld, May 4, 2020 – eprint, arXiv:2005.01583 [cs.IR] Chronicling America is a product of the National… Continue Reading

If 80% of Americans Wore Masks, COVID-19 Infections Would Plummet

Vanity Fair – New Study Says there’s compelling evidence that Japan, Hong Kong, and other East Asian locales are doing it right and we should really, truly mask up—fast: “If you’re wondering whether to wear or not to wear, consider this. The day before yesterday, 21 people died of COVID-19 in Japan. In the United… Continue Reading

5 questions to ask your employer before you head into the office

Consumer Reports – “Centers for Disease Prevention (CDC), the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), and the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC)—have issued guidance on how employers can make their workplaces safer for employees. But at the moment, these guidelines are just suggestions. “You can’t enforce them . . . because it’s completely voluntary,” says Jonathan… Continue Reading

States Are Suspending Public Records Access Due to COVID-19

The Markup – There is little precedent for such action, even in an emergency: “…Hawaii is among several jurisdictions around the country that have amended or suspended access to public records as the coronavirus spreads. Governors are taking emergency action in some states, ordering changes to public records compliance during the crisis. Other states and… Continue Reading

These surprisingly relevant vintage ads show how officials tried to convince people to wear masks after many refused during the 1918 flu pandemic

Yahoo News: “…According to the report, some public health leaders felt that the methods of educating “modern men and boys” at the time were too old-fashioned. So to help persuade members of the male population to do their part in controlling the disease, officials aimed to introduce a “more manly style of health education,” usually… Continue Reading

In the COVID-19 world, open source textbooks are the way of the future

Kyle Hiebert – National Post: “Universities have the chance to save students huge sums of money by ramping up the creation and use of open educational resources, particularly open textbooks…Long story short, any current or aspiring post-secondary student looking to go to college or university anytime soon will likely end up doing so largely online… Continue Reading

Here’s a List of Colleges’ Plans for Reopening in the Fall

The Chronicle of Higher Education – “The coronavirus pandemic has left higher-education leaders facing difficult decisions about when to reopen campuses and how to go about it. The Chronicle is tracking individual colleges’ plans. Currently the vast majority say they are planning for an in-person fall semester. Here’s our searchable list of colleges that have either… Continue Reading

Contact-Tracing Apps in the United States

LawFare: “…In the United States, efforts to develop digital contact-tracing systems have largely fallen to states and tech companies—though privacy advocates have voiced concerns about the invasiveness of such apps. Apple and Google recently agreed to partner in developing a contact-tracing technology that will be interoperable between iOS and Android phones and will provide public… Continue Reading