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Monthly Archives: May 2020

COVID 19: Consumer Loan Forbearance and Other Relief Options

LC CRS Reports – COVID 19: Consumer Loan Forbearance and Other Relief Options May 14, 2020: “A growing number of reported Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)cases have been identified in the United States, significantly impacting many communities. This situation is evolving rapidly, and the economic impact has been large due to illnesses, quarantines, social distancing, local… Continue Reading

Chrome will soon block resource-draining ads. Here’s how to turn it on now

ars technica – Fed up with cryptojacking ads? Google developers have you covered. “Chrome browser users take heart: Google developers are rolling out a feature that neuters abusive ads that covertly leach your CPU resources, bandwidth, and electricity. The move comes in response to a swarm of sites and ads first noticed in 2017 that… Continue Reading

The race to save the first draft of coronavirus history from internet oblivion

MIT Technology Review – How researchers, archivists, and citizens are racing to preserve a record of how we lived and changed during this strange period of history: “…According to Brewster Kahle, the Internet Archive’s founder, his organization is already collecting about 1 billion URLs a day across the web. Archiving the pandemic means trying to… Continue Reading

Has covid-19 killed globalisation?

The flow of people, trade and capital will be slowed, May 14 2020 edition. “Editor’s note: The Economist is making some of its most important coverage of the covid-19 pandemic freely available to readers of The Economist Today, our daily newsletter. To receive it, register here. For our coronavirus tracker and more coverage, see our hub… Continue Reading

See Which States Are Reopening and Which Are Still Shut Down

The New York Times – “In Georgia, barbers are giving haircuts armed with face masks and latex gloves. In Texas, movie theaters are filling with customers, who crunch on popcorn several seats away from the nearest stranger. People are sweating at gyms again in Tennessee. America’s reopening has begun in force, just weeks after the… Continue Reading

Internet Lessons from COVID19 by Vint Cerf

MEDIAMANA – “[This article is a part of an online symposium on the value of Internet Openness at the time of COVID19. The symposium is a joint outcome of the Internet Governance Forum coalition on Net Neutrality and Community Connectivity. Read all the articles in the symposium here.] The novel SARS-COV-2 virus that leads to… Continue Reading

Life in Quarantine: Witnessing Global Pandemic

“The goal of Life in Quarantine: Witnessing Global Pandemic is to produce a public historical archive documenting how the extreme new conditions caused by the COVID-19 pandemic are changing the routines, expectations, and dreams of people from all walks of life, all nationalities, communities, genders, and aged groups across the globe.  Although the spread of… Continue Reading

CRS – Attempt – An Overview of Federal Criminal Law

Attempt: An Overview of Federal Criminal Law, Updated May 13, 2020: “Attempt is the incomplete form of some other underlying offense. Unlike state law, federal law does not feature a general attempt statute. Instead, federal law outlaws the attempt to commit a number of federal underlying offenses on an individual basis. Occasionally, federal law treats… Continue Reading

CRS – How Social Security Benefits Are Computed

How Social Security Benefits Are Computed: In Brief Updated May 13, 2020 – “Social Security,the largest program in the federal budget (in terms of outlays), provides monthly cash benefits to retired or disabled workers and their family members as well as to the family members of deceased workers. In 2019, benefit outlays were approximately $1,048… Continue Reading

Emtrain Workplace Culture Report

“Emtrain’s Workplace Culture Report 2020 identifies the root causes of workplace culture failures. The Workplace Culture Diagnostic employs millions of data points to establish a threshold for unhealthy workplace norms. Companies can benchmark their own organizational health against other companies across the country…Giving companies the Confidence to Act – This report provides brand new insights… Continue Reading

A Complete List of Coronavirus (COVID-19) Scams

Self – “As anxiety around coronavirus increases, more scammers are taking advantage. While scams can happen any time, many companies are now preying on people’s fear about contracting COVID-19 and the financial uncertainty due to job and income loss caused by the virus, among others. Here’s what you need to know to help protect yourself… Continue Reading