Klinkner, Blake, Understanding the Changing Landscape of Data Protection Laws (February 11, 2019). The Wyoming Lawyer, February 2019, at 44-45.. Available at SSRN: https://ssrn.com/abstract=3332687
“As businesses and other entities have sought to collect more personal data on individuals, the public has pushed back, and lawmakers throughout the United States and elsewhere have responded by passing data protection laws. Recent data protection laws passed by the European Union and by several states have already resulted in a number of lawsuits against businesses who handle personal data. Attorneys should become familiar with this changing legal landscape in order to best protect their clients, practices, and their own personal accounts. This article discusses recent legislation addressing data protection and data privacy, including the 2018 General Data Protection Regulation passed in the European Union, and the California Consumer Privacy Act of 2018. This article next discusses how data protection and privacy laws will continue to evolve in the United States and elsewhere. This article concludes by providing recommendations for attorneys in adapting to the changing landscape of data protection and privacy laws.”