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Daily Archives: September 4, 2018

Best VPN services of 2018: Reviews and buying advice

PCWorld: “Choosing the right virtual private network (VPN) service is no simple task. A VPN should keep your internet usage private and secure, but not every service handles your data in the same way. Just look at the critiques of notable computer security experts and online pundits to understand the challenge. (Want to know more about VPNs and what they can and can’t do? Skip down to our “What is a VPN?” section.)…” Good article, good reviews and recommendations.

Paper – The Persuasive Power of Knowledge: Testing the Confidence Heurist

Pulford, B. D., Colman, A. M., Buabang, E. K., & Krockow, E. M. (2018). The persuasive power of knowledge: Testing the confidence heuristic. [free full text PDF] Journal of Experimental Psychology: General. Advance online publication. “According to the confidence heuristic, people are confident when they know they are right, and their confidence makes them… Continue Reading

West Virginia offers free cybersecurity training to the elderly

Axios: “West Virginia’s Attorney General Patrick Morrisey, who’s currently running for U.S. Senate, announced Tuesday that he’s partnering with two local community and technical colleges to connect senior citizens with college students for free cybersecurity training. Why it matters: Criminals steal $37 billion a year from elderly Americans through cyber scams, according to Bloomberg. This… Continue Reading

Google Notifies People Targeted by Secret FBI Investigation

Motherboard: Dozens of people reported receiving an email from Google revealing a potential FBI investigation into people who purchased malware. “At least dozens of people have received an email from Google informing them that the internet giant responded to a request from the FBI demanding the release of user data, according to several people who… Continue Reading

The Role of Scholarly Communication in a Democratic Society

Journal of Librarianship and Scholarly Communication (Vol. 6, No. 2): The Role of Scholarly Communication in a Democratic Society was published online today (August 31, 2018). “Why has the Journal of Librarianship and Scholarly Communication produced this special issue on the role of scholarly communication and democracy? The pillars of a democratic society (equity, a… Continue Reading

Criminal Law Deskbook Practicing Military Justice July 2018

“The Criminal Law Department at The Judge Advocate General’s Legal Center and School, US Army (TJAGLCS) produces this deskbook as a resource for Judge Advocates and paralegals, for both training and actual practice in UCMJ proceedings. Th e deskbook is a treatise, practical guide, and training tool that covers the substantive and procedural aspects of… Continue Reading

GPO grapples with ‘Keeping America Informed’ in the digital information age

fedscoop: “The Government Publishing Office (GPO) is tasked with “Keeping America Informed,” which practically means that the agency, through various channels, provides free public access to all the official publications of the federal government. In the days before the internet, this mandate was a lot easier to keep track of. In a recently released report, the… Continue Reading