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Daily Archives: July 4, 2018

Which are the world’s 10 most dangerous countries for women?

LONDON (Thomson Reuters Foundation) – “India was named as the world’s most dangerous country for women in a survey of global experts released on Tuesday. The Thomson Reuters Foundation survey of about 550 experts on women’s issues ranked war-torn Afghanistan and Syria in second and third place, with Somalia and Saudi Arabia next. The survey was a repeat of a similar poll in 2011 which ranked the most dangerous countries for women as Afghanistan, Democratic Republic of Congo, Pakistan, India and Somalia. It asked which five of the 193 United Nations member states were most dangerous for women and the worst for healthcare, economic resources, traditional practices, sexual and non-sexual abuse, and human trafficking. Here is the list of the 10 countries ranked as the most dangerous for women by the survey, conducted between March 26 and May 4…

10. UNITED STATES – The only Western nation in the top 10 and joint third with Syria for the risks women face in terms of sexual violence, including rape, sexual harassment, coercion into sex and a lack of access to justice in rape cases. The survey came after the #MeToo campaign went viral last year, with thousands of women using the social media movement to share stories of sexual harassment or abuse.”

Climate Change Is Making Nighttime Clouds More Visible

Yale Environment 360: “Those wispy, iridescent, high-altitude clouds sometimes seen at dawn and dusk are becoming more visible due to climate change, according to a new study published in the journal Geophysical Research Letters. Rising methane emissions have increased the amount of water vapor in the middle atmosphere, the study found, which then freezes around… Continue Reading

Stories From Experts About the Impact of Digital Life

“While many technology experts and scholars have concerns about the social, political and economic fallout from the spread of digital activities, they also tend to report that their own experience of digital life has been positive…Over the years of canvassings by Pew Research Center and Elon University’s Imagining the Internet Center, many experts have been… Continue Reading

Lawmakers support union lawsuits against executive orders “A group of four current and former lawmakers are supporting federal unions’ lawsuits against the trio of executive orders aimed at making it easier to fire federal employee and restricting union activity. The lawmakers — current Reps. Elijah Cummings (D-Md.) and Peter King (R-N.Y.) and former Reps. William Clay (D-Mo.) and Jim Leach (R-Iowa) — filed… Continue Reading

What’s next for L.A. Times and other questions for the news business

NiemanLab: “How do we respond to tragedy? That question is never far from the work of journalists, and Friday’s Annapolis Capital Gazette assault only made it more intimate, with journalists becoming one with the story they’ve covered time and again. Numerous journalists responded to the murder of five of their own by restating the truths… Continue Reading

The Encyclopedia of Women Philosophers

The Encyclopedia of Women Philosophers: A New Web Site Presents the Contributions of Women Philosophers, from Ancient to Modern “…In the research on which Lombrozo reports, studies found that “the biggest drop in the proportion of women in the philosophy pipeline seems to be from enrollment in an introductory philosophy class to becoming a philosophy… Continue Reading

The Cadwalader Cabinet, A Machine Learning Research Platform

“Artificial Lawyer recently caught up with Steven Lofchie, a New York partner in the Financial Services Department at top US law firm, Cadwalader, Wickersham & Taft, to hear about the firm’s custom-built legal research and knowledge management platform that leverages machine learning, known as the Cabinet. The Cadwalader Cabinet provides analysis of US financial regulation… Continue Reading

Intel Committee Releases Unclassified Summary of Initial Findings on 2017 Intelligence Community Assessment

News release: “Today [July 3, 2018], Senate Select Committee on Intelligence Chairman Richard Burr (R-NC) and Vice Chairman Mark Warner (D-VA) released the Committee’s unclassified summary of its initial findings on the Intelligence Community Assessment (ICA) on Russian activities in the 2016 U.S. elections. The Committee finds that the overall judgments issued in the ICA… Continue Reading