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Daily Archives: June 27, 2018

From a Natural Language to a Controlled Contract Language

Finnegan, Milva, From a Natural Language to a Controlled Contract Language (May 24, 2018). Jusletter IT May 24 2018. Available at SSRN:

“Readability of contracts is a challenge. Over time a natural set of traditional words and writing style has developed. A controlled language is derived from a natural language and usually consists of a dictionary and a set of writing rules in a controlled document. This article introduces the idea of a controlled contract language for contract drafting. The comparative model examined is ASD-100STE, used in the aerospace industry for writing technical manuals. ASD-100STE’s goal is to enhance document readability to assure comprehension across all writers and users.”

The World Lost 40 Football Fields of Tropical Trees Every Minute in 2017

Yale Environment 360: “Despite international efforts to reduce deforestation, the world’s tropical forests lost 39 million acres of trees in 2017, an area roughly the size of Bangladesh, according to new data from the environmental monitoring group Global Forest Watch. That is equal to losing 40 football fields of tropical trees every minute for an… Continue Reading

OSHA launches database of workplace chemical information

OSHA Safety and Health: “A new database from OSHA offers access to safety profiles and information on workplace chemicals. Pooling data from various government agencies and organizations, the OSHA Occupational Chemical Database offers chemical identification, physical properties, permissible exposure limits, sampling information and additional resources for each substance. OSHA calls the webpage its “premier one-stop… Continue Reading

BBC releases computer history archive

BBC Technology – “A slice of computing history has been made public, giving people the opportunity to delve into an archive that inspired a generation of coders. The Computer Literacy Project led to the introduction of the BBC Micro alongside programmes which introduced viewers to the principles of computing. It included interviews with innovators such… Continue Reading

Free Law Project Trump’s Supreme Court List

“On June 27, 2018, Associate Justice Kennedy informed President Trump that he would be retiring from the Supreme Court effective July 31st. In response to this announcement, President Trump stated that his next Supreme Court nomination would come from his existing list of potential Supreme Court justices. In our Judge and Appointment database, we have compiled… Continue Reading