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Monthly Archives: May 2018

EU Commission’s Proposal on Public Sector Data Is Good, But Could Be Better

Center for Data Innovation: “The European Commission has published a package of measures entitled “Towards a common European data space,” which aims to promote the sharing and re-use of data in the European Union. The only legislative component of the package is a proposal to revise the Public Sector Information (PSI) Directive, which requires member… Continue Reading

Prescription drugs that kill: The challenge of identifying deaths in government data

Data Driven Journalism – Mike Stuka: “An editor at The Palm Beach Post printed out hundreds of pages of reports and asked a simple question that turned out to be weirdly complex: How many people were being killed by a prescription drug? That question relied on version of a report that was soon discontinued by the U.S.… Continue Reading

The CIA Black Sites Program and the Gina Haspel Nomination

The National Security Archive – GW University: “The [May 9, 2018] nomination hearing for Gina Haspel to be CIA director provides an opportunity for the agency and Haspel to fill in the blanks on the CIA “black sites” and interrogation program.  The National Security Archive has already identified key questions about Haspel’s record [see box… Continue Reading

Atlantic – the decline of women who are mothers in America

The Atlantic: “As the American population grows, so does the number of American moms. But, more than a century after Mother’s Day became an official holiday, even as that number increases, the share of the American population who are mothers is at the lowest point it’s been in a quarter century. It’s frequently noted that… Continue Reading

NYT – When Spies Hack Journalism

Scott Shane – The New York Times – “For decades, leakers of confidential information to the press were a genus that included many species: the government worker infuriated by wrongdoing, the ideologue pushing a particular line, the politico out to savage an opponent. In recent years, technology has helped such leakers operate on a mass… Continue Reading

Growing share of Americans say Supreme Court should base its rulings on what Constitution means today

“A majority of Americans (55%) now say the U.S. Supreme Court should base its rulings on what the Constitution “means in current times,” while 41% say rulings should be based on what it “meant as originally written,” according to a recent Pew Research Center report on American democratic values. This represents a shift in public… Continue Reading

Risk Management Framework for Information Systems and Organizations: A System Life Cycle Approach for Security and Privacy

“This update to NIST Special Publication 800-37 (Revision 2) responds to the call by the Defense Science Board, Executive Order 13800, and OMB Memorandum M-17-25 to develop the next-generation Risk Management Framework (RMF) for information systems, organizations, and individuals. There are seven major objectives for this update: Provide closer linkage and communication between the risk… Continue Reading

Report to Archivist of the United States 2018 FOIA Act

National Archives and Records Administration 2016-2018 Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) Advisory Committee Final Report and Recommendations –  April 17, 2018. “During the 2016-2018 term, the Committee formed three subcommittees to examine specific areas in which federal agencies could implement initiatives to improve proactive disclosures, FOIA searches, and the efficient use of agency FOIA resources.… Continue Reading

Paper – Wikidata: a platform for your library’s linked open data

Wikidata: a platform for your library’s linked open data by Stacy Allison-Cassin, Dan Scott. code{4}lib Issue 40, 2018-05-04 “Creating and using linked open data (LOD) in library and GLAM (galleries, libraries, archives, museums) projects has historically been associated with a high level of institutional requirements. Erik et al (2015) asserted “the fact that LAM institutions… Continue Reading

Every one of America’s 57,636 wind turbines, mapped

Washington Post: “California’s Kern County, home to the city of Bakersfield, bills itself as the “Wind Capital of the West.” But a Washington Post analysis of a massive new U.S. Geological Survey database of over 57,000 commercial wind turbines suggests that the county is being overly modest: It is, in fact, the wind capital of the… Continue Reading

And for His Next Act Blogger and Twitter Co-Founder Will Fix the Internet

The New York Times: “As a co-founder of Blogger and Twitter and, more recently, as the chief executive of the digital publishing platform Medium, Mr. Williams transformed the way millions of people publish and consume information online. But as his empire grew, he started to get a gnawing feeling that something wasn’t right. High-quality publishers… Continue Reading