OECD – Divided Cities Understanding Intra-urban Inequalities: “This report provides an assessment of spatial inequalities and segregation in cities and metropolitan areas from multiple perspectives. The chapters in the report focus on a subset of OECD countries and non-member economies, and provide new insights on cross-cutting issues for city neighbourhooods, such as the patterns of segregation across income groups, migrant concentration and diversity across cities of different sizes, the role of public transport accessibility in widening intra-city inequalities, and the expected path dependency on outcomes related to segregation. The report also discusses methodological alternatives for measuring different dimensions of inequality and segregation across cities, and highlights the role of public policies in bridging urban divides and the relevance of the scale of analysis in order to make sound international comparisons.”
“Inequality in Job Accessibility via Transit in US Cities – This chapter studies patterns in job accessibility via transit, that is the number of jobs that are accessible with a 30-minute commute from a given census tract, across and within 46 US Core Based Statistical Areas (CBSAs). The Gini Index is used to measure inequality in job accessibility. Census and administrative data are used to construct several indices of racial segregation, concentration, and centralisation. The chapter examines the correlation between the observed inequality in job accessibility via transit and the spatial distribution of CBSAs’ residents and jobs, as measured by these indices, as well as economic outcomes such as economic inequality and unemployment. Finally, the chapter characterises tracts enjoying different levels of job accessibility, both in terms of residents’ characteristics and of geographic location within CBSAs.”