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Monthly Archives: March 2018

WSJ staff allege censorship – graphic of uneven gains since financial crisis removed

Columbia Journalism Review: “Alleging “censorship,” Wall Street Journal staffers circulated a letter yesterday decrying the suppression of a story detailing uneven gains in the decade since the financial crisis. “This week a senior editor at the Wall Street Journal attempted to take a graphic offline because the facts it contained were not politically palatable,” the letter read. “When that failed, it was ‘de-surfaced,’ or, in other terms, taken off the front page and links were removed to it from as many places as possible. After an early flurry of traffic, views plummeted. This is censorship and it is beneath the standards of the Wall Street Journal. It isn’t the first time, either.” ProPublica reporter Jesse Eisinger tweeted that he heard the senior editor referenced was Journal EIC Gerard Baker, a detail that several staffers later supported. Baker has faced criticism in the past for taking a soft approach to coverage of the Trump administration, and Politico’s Michael Calderone and Jason Schwartz report that his problem with the story and its accompanying graphics was that they were “too liberal.” [h/t/ Pete Weiss]

JSTOR’s free read-only access gets simpler

“JSTOR has made its free read-only access more flexible. Now, anyone with a MyJSTOR account can read up to six journal articles online every 30 days. Designed primarily for people who are not affiliated with an institution, JSTOR’s read-only service offers a way for independent researchers to explore more than 2,000 scholarly journals. Need access?… Continue Reading

Recommended Data Elements for Describing Archived Web Content

OCLC: “This is the third and final post reporting on the work of our OCLC Research Library Partnership Web Archiving Working Group. The first post summarizes our work overall and lists some of the conundrums that librarians and archivists have experienced when trying to describe web content. The second post goes into some detail about our… Continue Reading

NARA Unauthorized Disposition of Federal Records

National Archives: “Under 44 USC 3106 and 36 CFR Part 1230, “Unlawful or Accidental Removal, Defacing, Alteration, or Destruction of Records,” Federal agencies are required to “notify the Archivist of any actual, impending, or threatened unlawful removal, defacing, alteration, corruption, deletion, erasure, or other destruction of records in the custody of the agency.” NARA also receives notifications from other… Continue Reading

International economic development – Principal Internet resources

ETTINGER, David. International economic development: Principal Internet resources. College & Research Libraries News, [S.l.], v. 79, n. 3, p. 144, feb. 2018. ISSN 2150-6698. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 29 mar. 2018. doi: “From attempts to uplift millions of peoples from the throes of abject poverty and starvation to global assistance programs to benefit developing… Continue Reading

Overlooked: How the New York Times Covers Librarians’ Obituaries

JSTOR – [See the article referenced, available to read free online: The Portrayal of Librarians in Obituaries at the End of the Twentieth Century]: “Historically, the New York Times’s pages have been male-dominated, and its obituary section is no different. On International Women’s Day, the paper set out to supplement the record by running obituaries for overlooked… Continue Reading

Study – Taste test gauges how recycled wastewater performs against bottled and tap water

EurekAlert: “Researchers at the University of California, Riverside, recently published a study of recycled wastewater that did not focus on its safety-which has long been established-but rather its taste. After years of drought, the notion of drinking recycled wastewater has gained momentum in California. Thoughts turned to all the water being discarded–to supplementing “conventional” groundwater… Continue Reading

President Trump falls more than 200 spots on Forbes Billionaires List

Forbes: “Capitalism’s global conquest continues as entrepreneurs around the globe mint fortunes in everything from cryptocurrencies to telecom to bridal dresses. Forbes has pinned down a record 2,208 billionaires from 72 countries and territories including the first ever from Hungary and Zimbabwe. This elite group is worth $9.1 trillion, up 18% since last year. Their… Continue Reading

Americans’ complicated feelings about social media in an era of privacy concerns

“Amid public concerns over Cambridge Analytica’s use of Facebook data and a subsequent movement to encourage users to abandon Facebook, there is a renewed focus on how social media companies collect personal information and make it available to marketers. Pew Research Center has studied the spread and impact of social media since 2005, when just… Continue Reading