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Monthly Archives: February 2018

Why university libraries are tossing millions of books

Christian Science Monitor – “Struggling to keep up with the increasing digitization of academia, libraries are purging older volumes to make way for study spaces and coffee shops. The act is a radical shift from when the value of a library was measured by the scope of its books…Libraries are putting books in storage, contracting with… Continue Reading

Federal grand jury indictment – 13 Russian nationals, 3 Russian entities accused of violating U.S. criminal laws

DOJ News Release: “The Department of Justice announced that a grand jury in the District of Columbia today returned an indictment presented by the Special Counsel’s Office. The indictment charges thirteen Russian nationals and three Russian companies for committing federal crimes while seeking to interfere in the United States political system, including the 2016 Presidential… Continue Reading

Guidance and the Congressional Review Act

The Regulatory Review, David Zaring: “Congress’s use of the Congressional Review Act (CRA) to reverse a panoply of Obama Administration rules has been the most important way it has pursued deregulation in the first year of the Trump Administration. But the effort to keep using it to deregulate—which is ongoing—would really take the statute beyond… Continue Reading

FDPL – 2016 End of Term Presidential Web Archive Now Available

“Between fall 2016 and spring 2017, End of Term (EOT) Web Archive partners conducted outreach and archiving efforts to preserve and document the U.S. Government web presence at the end of the Obama Presidential term. Due to an increased public interest in preserving U.S. Government web content and press regarding the project, the EOT Nomination… Continue Reading

CRS – Diversity Immigrants’ Regions and Countries of Origin: Fact Sheet

Diversity Immigrants’ Regions and Countries of Origin: Fact Sheet. Jill H. Wilson, Analyst in Immigration Policy. February 13, 2018. “Ongoing congressional deliberations over whether to maintain, alter, or eliminate the diversity immigrant visa program (also known as the “lottery” or DV program) include an interest in the geographical origins of immigrants who have been admitted… Continue Reading

CRS – D.C. Circuit Upholds as Constitutional the Structure of the CFPB

D.C. Circuit Upholds as Constitutional the Structure of the CFPB – Part I. Todd Garvey, Legislative Attorney; Jared P. Cole, Legislative Attorney. February 12, 2018. “The entire U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit (D.C. Circuit) issued a potentially important decision on January 31, upholding the structural design of the Consumer Financial… Continue Reading

CRS – Nonstrategic Nuclear Weapons

Nonstrategic Nuclear Weapons, Amy F. Woolf. Specialist in Nuclear Weapons Policy. February 13, 2018. “Recent debates about U.S. nuclear weapons have questioned what role weapons with shorter ranges and lower yields can play in addressing emerging threats in Europe and Asia. These weapons, often referred to as nonstrategic nuclear weapons, have not been limited by… Continue Reading

Financial Stability Oversight Council (FSOC): Structure and Activities

CRS Report – Financial Stability Oversight Council (FSOC): Structure and Activities. December 22, 2017 – February 12, 2018 R45052 “The Financial Stability Oversight Council (FSOC) and its Office of Financial Research (OFR) were established by the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act (P.L. 111-203) to address several potential sources of systemic risk. Some… Continue Reading

Estimating and Projecting Potential Output Using CBO’s Forecasting Growth Model: Working Paper 2018-03

CBO Working Paper – Estimating and Projecting Potential Output Using CBO’s Forecasting Growth Model: Working Paper 2018-03, February 8, 2018. “As part of its responsibility for producing baseline projections of the economy and the federal budget, CBO regularly produces estimates and projections of potential output, a measure of the economy’s fundamental ability to supply goods and… Continue Reading