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Monthly Archives: February 2018

New LibGuide – Prices and Wages by Decade

Via Maria Concannon, Govt Documents Coordinator, University of Missouri Libraries: “I’m writing to bring your attention to our LibGuide Prices and Wages by Decade…This guide points to government publications listing retail prices for common items or “necessities of life.” Prices for foods, articles of clothing, household items, appliances, hardware, fuel and other physical goods fall… Continue Reading

Public broadcaster music library closing, CDs to be digitised, destroyed

Radio Canada International: “Canada’s public broadcaster CBC (English) and Radio-Canada (French) is going through massive changes. The sprawling headquarters of the Radio-Canada network in Montreal have been sold, and the organisation will move to new and much smaller rented quarters being built on one of the former parking lots. PHOTO- google street With huge funding… Continue Reading

Civil Rights Act Protects Gay Workers, Appeals Court Rules

The New York Times: “A federal appeals court in Manhattan ruled on Monday that federal civil rights law bars employers from discriminating based on sexual orientation. The case, which stemmed from the 2010 dismissal of a Long Island sky-diving instructor, was a setback for the Trump Justice Department, whose lawyers found themselves in the unusual… Continue Reading

This is America: 9 out of 10 public schools now hold mass shooting drills for students

Read this and weep – and then get busy – please: How “active shooter” drills became normal for a generation of American schoolchildren. “…Since Columbine, 32 states have passed laws requiring schools to conduct lockdown drills to keep students safe from intruders. Some states went even further after 20 children died in Newtown, Connecticut, in… Continue Reading

Okay, so: Latin has this word, sic

Via “Okay, so: Latin has this word, sic. Or, if we want to be more diacritically accurate, sīc. That shows that the i is long, so it’s pronounced like “seek” and not like “sick.” You might recognize this word from Latin sayings like “sic semper tyrannis” or “sic transit gloria mundi.” You might recognize… Continue Reading

Recommended Reading – Haggard Hawks

I have been reading the Tweeter feed for years now, and find these resources to be ones of continuous learning that often inspire ah-hah moments. “Since 2013, Haggard Hawks has been tweeting and blogging about obscure words and their origins. This website brings together the entire HH network under one online roof: here you can read the blog, browse… Continue Reading

Fast Company 2018 World’s Most Innovative Companies

“The 2018 edition of the World’s Most Innovative Companies spans more than 350 enterprises across 36 categories, from the world’s most valuable firm and its continuing transformation of consumer electronics to a small outfit selling natural gum to preserve rainforests. We hope you’re as inspired learning from these businesses as we were in selecting them.”… Continue Reading

SEC Adopts Statement and Interpretive Guidance on Public Company Cybersecurity Disclosure

“On February 20, 2018 the Securities and Exchange Commission voted unanimously to approve a statement and interpretive guidance to assist public companies in preparing disclosures about cybersecurity risks and incidents. “I believe that providing the Commission’s views on these matters will promote clearer and more robust disclosure by companies about cybersecurity risks and incidents, resulting… Continue Reading

New column on LLRX – Pete recommends – weekly highlights on cyber security issues

Via LLRX – Privacy and security issues impact every aspect of our lives – home, work, travel, education, health/medical, to name but a few. On a weekly basis, Pete Weiss highlights articles and information that focus on the increasingly complex and wide ranging ways our privacy and security is challenged and diminished, often without our… Continue Reading

CRS – Nutrition Labeling of Restaurant Menu and Vending Machine Items

CRS Report – Nutrition Labeling of Restaurant Menu and Vending Machine Items, February 5, 2018. “High rates of obesity and chronic diseases have prompted various federal, state, and local nutrition labeling initiatives. The 1990 Nutrition Labeling and Education Act (P.L. 101-535) required nutrition labeling of most foods and dietary supplements, but it did not require… Continue Reading