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Daily Archives: February 21, 2018

Morgan Lewis report to NPR Board of Directors on workplace sexual harassment

Current: “…The report by law firm Morgan Lewis [scroll down the article – the report is embedded] thoroughly examined how NPR handled subsequent complaints about Oreskes. It also described problems with NPR’s workplace culture that allowed bullying and harassment to take place and noted “very prominent distrust” of management within NPR. Staffers expressed concerns about a lack of transparency in harassment investigations and explanations of the outcomes. Morgan Lewis conducted a two-month investigation into harassment for a special committee of the NPR Board of Directors. NPR employees filed complaints about Oreskes in October 2015, and management mistakenly believed that a “stern” warning to Oreskes had resolved those issues. As reports continued to surface, including some from outside NPR, Mohn wasn’t fully informed of the scope of his behavior, which included inappropriate use of his NPR expense account and sending personal emails to young women who didn’t work at NPR. The firm began its investigation Dec. 12 and completed its final interview Feb. 9, according to the report. Its lawyers interviewed 86 current and former NPR employees, including 71 women and 15 men. Most of those employees requested the interviews and met with investigators individually, whether in person or by telephone, and for 30 to 90 minutes…”

New on LLRX – Donald Trump again wants to kill off IMLS, the library agency

Via LLRX – Donald Trump, again wants to kill off IMLS, the library agency – David Rothman’s commentary argues that “good libraries are all about content and community and the needs of local people.” The FY2019 Federal Budget proposes once again to eliminate Institute for Museum and Library Services (IMLS) and hundreds of millions of… Continue Reading

Hundreds of U.S. Mayors Collectively Oppose Trump Reversal of Clean Power Plan

Yale Environment 360 – “Mayors from 233 U.S. cities, representing more than 51 million Americans in 46 states and territories, have released a joint letter voicing their opposition of the Trump administration’s efforts to repeal the Clean Power Plan, arguing that the reversal would “put our citizens at risk and harm our efforts to address… Continue Reading

2018 Economic Report of the President

Economic Report of the President Together with The Annual Report of the Council of Economic Advisers February 2018 The report “overviews the nation’s economic progress using text and extensive data appendices. The Economic Report of the President is transmitted to Congress no later than ten days after the submission of the Budget of the United… Continue Reading

Commentary – The Shallowness of Google Translate

The Atlantic: The Shallowness of Google Translate – The program uses state-of-the-art AI techniques, but simple tests show that it’s a long way from real understanding. “…The practical utility of Google Translate and similar technologies is undeniable, and probably it’s a good thing overall, but there is still something deeply lacking in the approach, which… Continue Reading

Treasury Releases Report To The President On Orderly Liquidation Authority

“The U.S. Department of the Treasury today released a report regarding its review and recommendations on the Orderly Liquidation Authority (OLA).  The report responds to the Presidential Memorandum directing Treasury to propose recommendations to align OLA with the Core Principles for Financial Regulation and determine whether the Bankruptcy Code should be reformed to better enable… Continue Reading

GPO Handouts from ALA’s Midwinter Meeting

“Several representatives from GPO’s Library Services & Content Management unit took part in the American Library Association’s Midwinter Meeting in Atlanta, Georgia this January. Staff members presented information on a variety of Federal Depository Library Program topics and shared a number of handouts, which are now available on” Library Technical Services Update Library Services… Continue Reading

Paper – Text mining 101

EU OpenMinted Project Paper – What is text mining, how does it work and why is it useful? “This article will help you understand the basics in just a few minutes. Text mining seeks to extract useful and important information from heterogeneous document formats, such as web pages, emails, social media posts, journal articles, etc. This… Continue Reading